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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

John i hope rome at the house of lords went well for you yesterday--- and thanks
John lovely stuff- i want to doublecheck valuing youth - what i mean by these two overused words (well actually what everything amy stood for when her first met her june 2015)

i am using this term as opposite to devaluing youth

keynes last chapter of general theory was dad's main text

it says economists design compound (exponential rising or collapsing) trust systems that lock in what fututes are possible- it also says that makes the economist the great threat to youth= unless consciously integrated into the economists ruling model , youth will get left out of how global systems are designed -ones that for the first time have natures scale- thus our species will go against evolutions system design -its most intelectually powerful older people are rushing to dodo-land, at top-down universities certofyinhg only those who parrot their devaluation of youth

 -after all the definition of a broken system is one where its old experts the harder they try to exert their monopoly of being 100% perfect the more they destroy the future- this is URGENT- i dont know which is irreversibility's last year but agree with harrison mentoring of amy that by 2025 we've gone past transformation beyond intergenerational destruction- and thats coming from optimistiv life-views

(in fact from 1843 to 1988 every story the economist ever published was supposed to be validated by 2 long-term system joyous reasonings -ending poverty/hunger , and ending capital abuse of youth) -where is that kind of journalism now- even more dangerous of all the stuff that viralise among youth on youtube what % of the world's most pop stories are actually preferentially option poor (francsican)
- i would say next to 0% of youtubes audience ever receives valuation youth message - youth dont have a youth economist on youtube unless amy is so staged and given her minimum needs eg a visa to self-determine her way- sustainability will be lost- father was clear : cultures if they are  to be happily changed involve a different direction in celebrating young womens purpose not through a pr message but through reality of replicable examples- and in population terms china's face on that is sustainability storytelling last shot (at dad's next 3 billion jobs renew planet, renew family/community, superapp)

(oddly back in 1984 father's book wished the bbc would save the day- just as the scale of mobile (predicted early 2000s) was taking over mass reach of poerst and richest - father hoped for an apprentice reality tv program with solutoons to (as biggest risk will be discrepancies in incomes and expectations of rich and poor nations) ; he hoped the bbc would invite continuing interactive searches; the number 1 home page on www would need to seach out at least 30000 microfrancised to turn the worldsocialtrade  botom-up and open

so that's the scale of the good news and goodwill valuation crisis- though personally having tried to iunderstand amy for 12 months i know she has at most 12 months left to believe in her original creative youth view of the world- so many "american" people have strung her along and then not offer her a path to a visa however hard she tried

so its youth that bails out failed systems; its youth that is sent to old peoples wars; its youth who find they pay for college education because government is ever more broke by old peoples health (living lomger)  or are sent by rich parents (china to usa) to be examined in how to trule the world to destroy youth while also not being invited in to socialise with american youth! so the richest chiense students are being turned into us' opposite of the ingfertile haggard grandmother- the supertrump - no wonder under 90 people now own more than tghe 40% ;poorest people- and no wonder green is not a real future in such a world where only 90 richest visions rule

what else is the MBA curriclulum about- its origin is big bad banks system design-

 i dont know what the statistic is today but in 1980s father used to say for the majority of people in developed pountries more is spent on health in their last year of life than the rest - there may be a moral question here but its certainlhy not economic to spend so much on a persons least productive time

anyhow the opportunity of global youth - is borderless friendship (all the positive emotional inteligences) linked by (elder powerful) partners who are pro-youth in system mapping

amy is good at search out systems designers who are pro-youth in their methods like you john and harrison- she would also be a virally positive youtube or tv annoucer of solutions youth need to be trading which because they are open go way above zerosum- after all unlike consuming up things actionable knowhow can multiply value in use p-thats what makes the open learning economy 10 times more healthy and wealthy to play in than the extraction thing and extraction of people economy now showing everywhere

choosing youths first worldwide partners is vital

if we are able to sign up www.brac.net curently a decision of 2 abed family members- the whole network is pro-youth - village mothers werent concerned with ending poverty for themselves but for their children; both in deep pre-digital/grassroots  social mothers networking and now superapps brac Home | bKash  gravitates partners who value youth

the pope at strasbourg nov 2015 told off the eu for designing system perfectly valuing  haggard infertile grandmothers (ie those who had never parented and by now were the union's greatest costs)- by accident this is what the eu's bureaucrats social policy is compounding: the interests of haggard -all its metrics puts first - there is not a breadth of the era of youth wherever Brussels Sprouts

i am able to analyse any system of system for whether it expoentially values youth or destroys youths sustainability - here are some of the related pro-youth models which can be used to doublecheck 

if we got the right mentors around amy then she would stand up for youth like no other using her own development experiences which were tough by any standards; but if we dont she has to make a living too and will lose the trust that us elders really want next generation to have as much opportunity as we had- 

this is why i go back to aid and edcuation- both systems are now designed to reduce youths chances in life; this is the opposite of what "democarcy" most parfents want- but it spiraled as the subconscious message of tv age commercialism hgone madison, and adminstrators metrics that no longer design in futire purpoe as they are all about biggest taking from everyone every quarter which is not sustaoinable and is ths most anti-youth metric audit possible- i cam across this greatest ever maths error at big 5 accountats as they automated this into the technology and monoopoly reach around gthe word in the latge 1980s; i lived with such big brothers globaisation projects through most of the 1990s

BACK TO US AMY _why she needs UK AMY?
after failoiing at te worlds elearning channeel www.yazmi.com we were trying deseprately to get dc-based green cable tv station www.emerald-planet.tv  and its www.jobenomics.com  analyst to turn amy into their anchor woman and researcher of valuing youth content; but amy's sense is even  the owners are money driven; i am not sure if enough of us had shown that we could all help search for the youth most valuable stuff and align around amy's storytelling i think they might have come roud or we could have found someone else who just started with youtubes viral amy face before making full cable tv content

i dont know john- do you have a few people you trust most who can brainstorm with amy- i dont need to be in it because i am too close to wanting a youth like amy to be her generation's safe and happy spokesperson of 3 bilion jobs- how else is humanity going to rediscover the value of its children as we race expoentially towards destroying them

it is of course an extreme irony that johnkiehl's friend mark burnett generated trump and not amy

 (and actiually some of the tv producers between american idol wanted to use that shows fame to link end poverty compettiions but that was the last thing murdloch' fox's wanted - i guess you all know that way back when murdoch did a dirty deal with china- his e sports would be alowed china reach as long as he used every argument to degrade the bbc's purpose)

so we media people maybe need amy more than she needs us (dunno - i am biassed because its struggle being a social mlovement of one with nobody to know has your back)

From: John Caswell <

Amy, I hope you travel safe and arrive well!

As I’m terribly bandwidth constrained anything we can do to filter/translate and get real clarity AND intention will dramatically improve our productiveness. I’ve read your answers to the 10 questions again - anyone who can do that is a highly valuable/crucial catalyst in the war against all the noise, profusion and confusion in the world.

A great pleasure to be involved with you on this.


John Caswell - Web
Connect On Twitter - John Caswell

On 30 May 2016, at 01:30, Amy Chen <amy212@vip.qq.com> wrote:


I am surprised by your response and I am really honored! 

Like what I said, meeting you in London is the most valuable part and the effort Chris and I made makes a lot of sense now. 

I would like to have a further discussion with you over Skype if it's possible. I know you are busy this week so please let me know when you are available. I can translate Chris's work and also explore what in the future we can do together as a team working agelessly. My Skype is: amy1992726. 

My last day in the UK and I am looking forward to catching up with you soon!


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发送时间: 2016年5月29日(星期天) 晚上11:54
收件人: "


I've read this twice now and will read again tomorrow. I'm highly impressed by your ability to tell the story of your journey beautifully - and explain your affair with the University Of Life!

I can see why Chris wanted to pull the curtains back and give you a glimpse of the value inside you.

I will be honest - you have answered the 10 questions far better than everyone who has answered them before you - many of them older and you would think wiser - but that's the irony we are facing. Older people cannot answer them at all on some cases. 

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