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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

glasgow cop26 curriculum

 with thanks to valuetrue.com and economistdiary.com

0 https://learningforsustainabilityscotland.org/rce-network/ ...  rce event june 2021

1 us climate csar kerry - glasgow is humans last best chance - nov2021 cop  video 1/27 weforum debate - see also biden signing new exec orders on climate 1/27, ref 2019 kerry launched climatewar association; 2015 led us cop -paris signatures- -we are currently spinning to 4.5 degrees rise instead of agreed goal of 1.5 - every innovation needs to be between 5 to 20 times faster  if even paris climate intentions attainable- shell ceo -ask each sector to delegate leaders with an open map of its green purpose; Alok Sharma President, 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Cabinet Office, Her Majesty's Government welcomes kerry's pledge to return us climate leadership and adds it's helpful weforum 2020 corporate leaders report put green as top risk and 2021 puts green and health as connected top risk- 

2 al gore explains wef video 1/27 his generation ig green fund has proven profitable over 17 years even without  much needed carbon tax and that's just on example of systems risks governments still let by big lobbies  externalise ; bank of england  governor mark carney says carbon tax may yet be profitable -last october yellen helped him publish such a report   https://clcouncil.org/economists-statement/   us economist signatories jan 2019  https://group30.org/images/uploads/publications/G30_Mainstreaming_the_Transition_to_a_Net-Zero_Economy.pdf

shell's ceo is we must ask each global sectors' leaders to present a plan on their greenest purpose- trillion dollar sectors have more scale than most nations

3 food is an example of a sector where we need industry leaders to bring a bottom up map of how deeply green is their purpose - pepsi ceo has some interesting examples locals need demonstration farms and agriculture entrepremeur hubs- we are partnering with a pilot in columbia and hope for a replicable franchise in any rural developing nations similar to columbian farmers challenges-  related references abed university value chain and microfranchising models - borlaugs world food prize - connections betwen mother/infant health and nutrition


260 years of opportunities and threats of

4 tech 6 decades of humanising ai following 200 years of energising engines aka ir3 plus one

5 valuation /measurement systems - quarterly credit and exponential goodwill - world's 2 greatest maths errors - cros checked by trillion dollar unique green purposes

6 mapping inequalities - 90% of world trade is shipped - how do borders of 200 nations share eg lanlocked nations, 50 sids depening on oceans but no control what big lands do ... arctic circle; rich north; por south ...old wold new world's bays

7 childrens education swots in poverty's shelf

8 universities lifelong learning swots in middle incomr's units

9 integration/twinning of the 8 by one billion peoples poor, rich/  young/old/ male/female

10 anything else bootom up open as well as top down and closed

Monday, January 18, 2021

keynes - who determines the future?

 conclusion of final chapter of general theory

The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back. —J. M. KEYNES, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

download whole capter

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

imagine if scots and italians could host the most youth inspiring 18 days the world has ever seen - rome oct 30,31 - glasgow cop26- here is some early italin homework


TF 1

Global Health and Covid-19

TF 2

Climate Change, Sustainable Energy & Environment

TF 3

Trade, Investment and Growth

TF 4

Digital Transformation

TF 5

2030 Agenda and Development Cooperation

TF 6

Social Cohesion and the Future of Welfare Systems

TF 7

Infrastructure Investment and Financing

TF 8

Multilateralism and Global Governance

TF 9

International Finance

TF 10


TF 11

Reforming the T20