Xglasgow.com invites you to join with us in co-editing and debating 7 scripts on sustainability -please ask chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk to see latest version of dialogue of your choice or other queries

Saturday, November 21, 2015

are we of sutainability's last chance class of 2015 all agreed

In 2015 half the world is aged under 29. Sustainability crises are intergenerational (exponential) crises particularly of investment in jobs-rich education and peace. If the world of over 29s continue to design non-sustainable systems it will be the under 29s whose lives will see the destruction of nature and humanity, Four keys to transforming back to sustainability goals and open societies : real world's public spaces and open space; web world's mobile apps and 4000 fold infrastructure investments connecting ever local community to globally life-critical knowhow.

Public Spaces
Goal 11 launched by unhabitat and ban-ki moon features public spaces as integral to empowering youth to sustain cities and communities. Can we design spaces in which no youth are excluded from demanding and replicating solutions to ever mayor's priority social and sustainable challenges/ Goal 11 public spaces can be Trojan horse to all sustainability goals being fully youth empowered. (see windsor castle consultations)
Mobile Apps of sustainability
Open Spaces -celebrate valuing every persons contribution to a common and urgent challenge. Which five by one billion people cultures could most be celebrating open space co-creativity now:
*****China's billion Confucian Way
*****Latino's billion Franciscan Way
*****Africans and black peoples Mandela and King
*****Indian's Gandhian way
*****Poorest village and slums women4empowerment

ITU's open www infrastructures due to spending 4000 times more (2030 versus 1946) on being connected bottom up and in world way above zero-sum macroeconomics, Celebrates almost free accessibility to deeply diverse contexts and collaboration san frontieres

in new york and beijing we can find every experiment space we need;

the vatican wants to be included and sherry triss can make this happen

infosys nilekanis and kerala living up yo Kalam's leacy are hue opportunitoes now infia has all the invfrastructure to hackathon for the poorest

black world is very confusing to me- we could have built mandela way from south africa and kenya through ethiopia and rwanda, and king way back from the road to atlanta but agents of yunus decided to destroy every pathway's youth empowerment-  we can keep trying in usa to promote hbu as leaders of affordable public education systems and  frankly 
african needs big headed american aid to get out of the way and hopefully chinese aid accompanied by the virtual transparency of of direct cash transfer will end all the mischief of the age of aid by PR and political power games

if the scope of this challenge is agreed, find amy a visa please so we can all move forward at sustainability speed of www youth empowerment

Sunday, November 8, 2015

will rome be 13th pro-youth city to join in millennials sustainability economy

after yesterday's 14th edition of the premio sciacca - we certainly hope so

meanwhile here are some of the conversations that bubbled up between networkers at


i love your app Crazy4art

we would definitely like our youth exchanges to discuss

1 do they see any obvious places to sell this 5 euro app - eg before going to a student exchange in rome -if they succeed can they get some income

2 does your app provide fast format if students wanted to do another city - and is it only art or could students get a faststart in reviewing crazy4sustainability - we have several exchanges already scaling around such a quest but not yet the app platform making that  - examples of bottom-up community exchanges - out of a poor black college in brooklyn new york , and over in dubai, and starting next week in san diego whose catholic universities may yet turn out to be the first in usa to honor pope francis with a true implementation of instructions as a student curriculum - the brooklyn college association started because of antonio's friend and yesterdays economic winner bernardo asking amy and me to visit the dean of the college and find out what the she wanted to action network; we have since connected the dean with new york's high society who are interested in sustainable communities, changing te UN to value youth, and new yorks mobile apps community- her 700 person auditorium will be staging some of the most empowering student in community events ever scaled out of poor communities in new york

and we are connecting her with visiting antonio's bernardina health servants in bronx especially as the dean also has some active exchanges with kenya where the latest bernardina hospital is being built

3 amy and her peers specialise in all sustainability and open learning exchanges involving chinese millennials - the most humanly valuable missing market channel on earth

4 we also start discussion spaces around student apps - tell me if you would like to oin in those where the student app may also have a relation to your apps

two open learning revolutions we  mentioned yesterday which may not be fully understood in italy

already the best maths school is free and on line - www.khanacademy.org   - i am pretty sure an italian version is easy to find-but crucially seeing khan academy makes me ask why cant we have one academy for each of the 17 sustainability goals -end poverty, end hunger ....  and an 18th academy which explains how the franciscan model is best for society, sustainability and so doing good business.- the question of whether to start an open learning space like khan on his own or do it as on-demand partnership with coursera where the 2 university partners are sapienza in rome and boccono in milan remains undecided - especially as another option is the satellite channel www.yazmi.com  owned by an ethiopian neighbor of mine in DC noah samara

back in 1984 another neighbor of mine harrison owen invented how to make the most of 1000 peoples brains live,recently  he's spent 10 years nurturing this social revolution in chinese provinces- beiings official blessing to take this nationwide was observed by amy ten days ago- we are racing to translate the news of china going social wherever youth can celebrate it

sincerely chris macrae usa 1 240 316 8157

ps currently we link about 12 cities around the world with parts or all of our full sets of millennial exchanges introduced above
student pitching competitions, with apps
language empowerment training between 2 or more nationalities
direct student to student markets and friendship networks with china a crossroads to improving all  top level decision-making in cities towards sustainability and franciscan goals

we would like rome to be one of the cities with full service exchange - if that is something you can help map please say

Sunday, November 1, 2015

solution to keynes number 1 problem

The last chapter of Keynes General Theory clarifies how generations are lost wherever and whenever the compound monopoly theories of academic economists and ideologues are unsustainable. Only these people systemically design what future is intergenerationally possible out of a place

Help us search for 10 economists who will stand up for millennial segments most at risk of being locked in by failed systems to be lost generations

year 40 of research started at The Economist - curriculum Entrepreneurial Revolution 1976
queries isabella@unacknowledgedgiant.com

  1. entrepreneurialrevolution.avi

    Editors at The Economist discuss entrepreneurial revolution and why Norman Macrae supported Bangladeshi Microfinance ...