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Sunday, December 31, 1972

fazle abed


alumni knowhow?

fazle abed developed the most complete 50 year resolution of the economist's 1970 challenge- for millennials to be 21st c sustainability geeration bottom-up constitution models world be needed value multiplying win-win small enterprise networks not big corporate extractors, servant leadership community gov not big top down gov, deep local trustflow action foundations not bit advocacy charites

bangladesy became the world's lab for 2 innovative partnershi models pop ad pyp - see jim kim's definition of referential option poor - when dsigning parters of public and privatise triagularise by youth and educational transformation

see worldiwde goal 1 women empowerment partners of abed/brac in schools, university, 4 types of financilal model ultra, microf, sme city bank, digital cash for poor

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